The First Secretary of Tongzhou District Association of Science and Technology in the Village Help the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic
2020-06-22 | Association for Science and Technology of Tong Zhou District, Published on March 11

Qiao Guoqing, Director of the Office of the Tongzhou District Association for Science and Technology, is the first secretary of the Organization Department of the District Party Committee stationed in Kuoxian Town, Jigizhuang Village. During the critical period when the epidemic prevention and control is being energetic, Comrade Qiao Guoqing took the lead, and for the sake of the villagers' health, he created a set of martial arts aerobics and led the villagers to exercise together to enhance their physique and improve their immunity, which was well received by the villagers.




As a twinning unit of the party branch of the District Science and Technology Association, they promptly sent the "100 questions on the prevention and control of novel corona virus infection pneumonia" to the  Ji Gezhuang Village, and also sent masks, gloves and other protective supplies. Members of the leadership team of the epidemic prevention and control of Ji Gezhuang Village and villagers carefully read "100 Questions on the Prevention and Control of New Corona virus Infected Pneumonia", which provides scientific support for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Ji Gezhuang villagers are happy to say: "With the "100 Questions on Prevention and Control Knowledge" as a guide, everyone's heart is more down-to-earth.


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