China Mobile Beijing Launches Beijing's First 5G Driverless Epidemic Prevention Vehicle
2020-06-22 | Beijing Communication Society, Published on March 10, 2020

Recently, China Mobile Beijing (Beijing Mobile) cooperated with Beijing Luhe Hospital, an affiliate of Capital Medical University, and successfully landed the first 5G unmanned epidemic prevention vehicle application in Beijing. In this project, the 5G unmanned epidemic prevention and disinfection vehicle "Snail Xiao Bai", through 5G+IOT and artificial intelligence technology, using innovative functions such as unmanned cleaning and disinfection process, unmanned continuous operation and intelligent voice broadcast, etc., to realize a comprehensive automatic cleaning and disinfection of nearly 60,000 square meters in the hospital area, successfully solving the three major problems faced by the hospital during the epidemic: isolation, cleaners' shortage and disinfection, greatly reducing the infection risk of manual cleaning and disinfection and improving the efficiency.



In particular, the 5G driverless epidemic prevention vehicle is equipped with China Mobile's 4G/5G network to realize driverless and remote driving, which really achieves the purpose of staying at home and disinfecting thousands of miles away.

This project is an important milestone in Beijing Mobile's innovation of building a 5G "model room" in the medical field. Beijing Mobile will continue to work hard to innovate applications, empower all industries, and fulfill the mission of China Mobile people in the fight against the epidemic!

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