BAST holds a meeting to convey and act on the Notice on Normalizing Economic Business Activities
2021-12-24 |

On the morning of December 23, the Department for Planning and Finance and the Discipline Inspection Committee of Organs held a meeting to convey and act on the Notice of Beijing Association for Science and Technology on Further Normalizing Economic Business Activities. Member of Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice President of BAST Meng Fanxing attended the meting and made a speech, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee of Organs Zhang Xiaohua conveyed the spirit of the Notice, and head of the Department for Planning and Finance interpreted the contents of the notice. Department heads, disciplinary inspectors and funding administrators of organs, finance directors and discipline inspection committee members (cadres) of public institutions and all finance personnel attended the meeting. 

At the meeting, Zhang Xiaohua conveyed the spirit of the Notice, requiring discipline inspection committee members (cadres) to effectively shoulder supervisory duties, dynamically supervise all economic business activities of respective departments and unit for violation of discipline or regulations in daily routines, and inform persons chiefly in charge and discipline inspection committee of organs of any possible risks as they arise. The discipline inspection committee of organs of BAST is responsible for supervising the whole process of economic business activities of BAST organization, verifying various businesses on the smart finance platform on a regular basis, and correcting and reporting to the Leading Party Members’Group any risks or violations found in economic activities of BAST. It is also responsible for submitting any alleged violations of discipline and regulations to the discipline inspection and supervision group resident at the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park in a timely manner, as well as dealing with them under the guidance according to its terms of reference. 

Liang Yan interpreted the content of the Notice, explaining five parts item by item in detail, i.e., approval of matters, procurement management, contract management, funding management and accountability. He required all departments of the organs and affiliated public institutions to set up internal work mechanisms of level-by-level accountability to carry out the requirements of the Notice, and endeavor to resolve risks and hazards existing in current economic business activities. As the next step, in conjunction with the digitalization drive of BAST, online review and approval of related processes will be made possible to achieve normalized and standardized digital spreadsheet management for increased work efficiency. 

Meng Fanxing raised three requirements for this work: first, all departments and public institutions are required to deeply understand the practical significance of the Notice being issued, and fully understand its tenet and align their thoughts and actions to the requirements of the Leading Party Members’Group of BAST and the Party Secretary Shen Jie to effectively normalize various economic business activities. Second, all departments and public institutions are required to make overall planning for execution of annual budgets from the holistic perspective of BAST, and all reforming public institutions are required to make changes in way of work, perform systematic governance of internal management of entities and seek benefits from management. Third, all public institutions are required to strictly fulfill responsibilities as legal entities and constantly enhance their ability to resolve complicated problems and issues, raise the level of internal management and provide assurance for healthy and sustainable development of the cause of BAST, by taking the advantage of the “year of learning, year of institution and year of work style” campaign of BAST. 

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