Beijing Tops Global FinTech Hub Report Rankings for Five Consecutive Years
2023-12-04 | The People's Government of Beijing Municipality

On November 11, the "Global FinTech Hub Report 2023" was released during the "Annual Online Conference of Global FinTech Hub Network" event at the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2023. The report indicates that Beijing has remained the top city in the global rankings of fintech hubs for the fifth consecutive year.

According to the 2023 Global TOP50 FinTech Hubs list, the top ten cities (the cities referred to in this report represent cities or regions) in order are Beijing, San Francisco (Silicon Valley), New York, London, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Singapore, Chicago and Sydney, with Beijing topping the ranking for the fifth consecutive year. Among them, Beijing ranks first in both the list by industry and the list by ecosystem.

"Global FinTech Hub Report 2023" releases -- Photo via the organizer

The theme of this year's report was diversification, centering on the concept of "Divergence in the Changing World." In addition to traditional financial centers, financial technology has also made considerable development achievements in Europe, Latin America and other Asian countries. Data shows that São Paulo and Mumbai have emerged remarkably in the development of the financial technology industry, while the list by consumer experience indicates Stockholm's catch-up effects are notable.

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