11th Chaoyang ITEC Innovation Summit Held
2024-02-07 | The People's Government of Beijing Municipality

On January 27, the 11th Chaoyang International Talent Entrepreneurship Conference (ITEC) Innovation Summit was held.

The 11th ITEC adopts the approach of "one policy for one enterprise" to customize comprehensive supporting policy packages for award-winning projects in terms of talent, industry, and space. It aims to attract high-quality projects and talent to settle in Chaoyang District and develop through the connections among technologies, capitals, services, and scenarios.

Since its launch in June 2023, the ITEC has attracted more than 11,000 talent from 73 countries and regions around the world. More than 2,200 projects have been applied, marking a record high with an increase of 101 percent year on year.

At the summit, the award-winning projects signed contracts with Chaoyang District  for the settlement. Meanwhile, the ITEC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park was officially licensed. The Park, covering an area of 6,066 square meters, accommodates the ITEC Innovation Center and the ITEC permanent venue. It is an integrated platform for international talent entrepreneurship services, combining four major functions, i.e., exhibition and exchange, enterprise empowerment, talent cultivation, and achievement transformation.

ITEC has been successfully held 11 times. Over the past 11 years, it has attracted more than 50,000 entrepreneurs, receiving 10,000 projects from all over the world. More than 900 projects have been settled in Beijing through ITEC, attracting investment of more than CNY 30 billion.

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