Agenda of 2024 ZGC Forum Annual Conference Released
2024-05-06 | The People's Government of Beijing Municipality

The 2024 Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum Annual Conference, themed "Innovating for a Better World", will take place from April 25 to 29 at its just finished permanent venue for the first time. The agenda was announced during a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the morning of April 17.

I. On the morning of April 25, the opening ceremony and plenary session of the 2024 ZGC Forum Annual Conference will take place. This event will bring together national leaders, heads of international scientific organizations, diplomatic envoys to China, officials from relevant ministries and delegations of provinces and municipalities, and heads of domestic and foreign scientific research institutions and technology companies. Distinguished scientists and entrepreneurs, including Nobel laureates, will deliver speeches with a focus on the annual theme "Innovating for a Better World".

II. A total of 60 parallel forums will be held by ministries and commissions, international organizations as well as Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other provinces and cities. Centered on cutting-edge science and technology, some forums will cover topics such as basic research, artificial intelligence, and space science. Focusing on new quality productive forces, some forums will address future industries, engineering and technology, discoveries and inventions in state-owned enterprises, and ultra-high-definition audiovisual technologies. Centered on open ecosystems, some forums will explore themes including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region, BTH region-Hong Kong and BTH region-Macao connectivity and cooperation, China-Europe industrial cooperation, and global benchmark incubators. Focusing on technology talents, innovative forums will cover topics including women in science and technology, international youth, and overseas scholars. Centered on technology governance, other forums will cover topics including intellectual property protection, technology and the rule of law, and data security governance. Additionally, from April 27 to 29, the 8th China Science Fiction Convention will be held at Shougang Park in Shijingshan District. This convention is also one of the parallel forums of the ZGC Forum, focusing on sci-fi technology, creative writing, and industry development. It will feature 18 exciting events including forum sessions and a sci-fi film week.

III. Technology Trade Fair. This year, the fair will further highlight its global reach, cutting-edge initiatives, and practical outcomes with 30 featured events. These include targeted matchmaking sessions with six key countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, and South Korea, along with four national-level technology transfer debut events and eight cutting-edge product launch events. The fair will bring together over 6,000 innovative projects from more than 40 countries and regions, including the UK, France, Germany, and Japan. It will unveil a list of 100 new technologies and products, as well as a list of 100 international technology trading projects, so as to continuously solidify its position as a premier global hub for technology transactions.

IV. Achievements Release. It is an annual highlight of the ZGC Forum, featuring prominently across the opening ceremony, parallel forums, and related sessions. On the afternoon of April 29, a dedicated event will showcase significant original achievements, groundbreaking innovation policies, and the latest research reports to a global audience, further cementing its role as a global compass for cutting-edge technology and future industries.

V. Frontier Competitions. This year, the competitions will take place in eight places both at home and abroad with more than 3,100 competition projects collected from 75 countries and regions, following the principle of "global invitation, simultaneous competition". Covering various specialized tracks such as quantum information, photon computing, and metaverse, these competitions are currently underway. During the annual conference of the Forum, finals will take place, accompanied by the establishment of a "continuous services to boost growth" mechanism to provide comprehensive services such as investment and financing, space deployment, and market connections for participating enterprises.

In addition to these five major areas, there will be over 20 supporting events such as the Urban Innovations Festival, In-Tech Carnival, and enterprise-themed sessions, which aim to promote the scientific spirit and provide a platform for exchanging ideas and collaborations among scientists, entrepreneurs and investors, creating a meeting place for connecting global wisdom.

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