Celebrating Science: 'I feel lucky to do the work I love,' says botanist Lu Limin
2024-06-01 | Beijing Association for Science and Technology

Editor's Note:

A grand event was held at the Zhongguancun Exhibition Center in Beijing on May 30, 2024 to celebrate China's 8th National Science and Technology Workers Day. The event, titled "Song of Sci-tech Workers," was organized by the Beijing Association of Science and Technology (BAST) as part of a series of festivities running from May 1 to June 7. Six representatives from various fields of science and technology in Beijing were invited to share their stories of research and dedication at the event, showcasing the spirit of scientific innovation that helped drive Beijing to become a major global scientific center and innovation hub. These are the stories of these remarkable pioneers.

Lu Limin delivers a speech during BAST's celebration event for China's 8th National Science and Technology Workers Day on May 30, 2024. Photo: BAST

Specializing in the reconstruction of the tree of life and biodiversity conservation, Lu Limin, a renowned botanist at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, conducts extensive field expeditions to collect plant samples from various parts of the world.

Many might envy her job, imagining it as a series of exciting travels and encounters with exotic flora. However, the reality is far more challenging. The remote locations Lu visited often have harsh conditions. Despite the physical hardships, the thrill of discovering rare samples makes the effort worthwhile. "The joy of finding the perfect specimen far outweighs any physical fatigue," she remarked.

Fieldwork also brings unique challenges. Every night, the team must dry their plant specimens to prevent decay. With electricity, they use drying machines, but sometimes more primitive methods are necessary. 

Lu recalled a particularly tough expedition in Madagascar, where they spent several days without power or cell signal. A colleague brought a hand-cranked generator, which proved inadequate for drying specimens but provided minimal lighting. Ingeniously, they carried gas canisters up the mountain to create a makeshift drying setup. Despite its effectiveness, this method required constant vigilance to avoid burning the specimens.

Balancing work and family is another significant aspect of Lu's life. She has a five-year-old daughter named Xiaoshu. Recalling the early days of motherhood, Lu described how she often returned home late due to work, finding her mother-in-law soothing Xiaoshu on the porch, fighting off mosquitoes. Lu once left for a field trip when her daughter was only one year old, the separation was hard on both. "Mom, I love you, but I don't want you to go to work," Xiaoshu would say. Those words filled Lu with both warmth and guilt.

To help Xiaoshu understand her work, Lu incorporates her daughter into her world of plants. They observe seasonal changes together, collect leaves and petals, and press them into books to make specimens. These activities not only educate Xiaoshu but also strengthen their bond.

Once Lu practiced with Xiaoshu as her audience when preparing for a public lecture. She printed her presentation as a picture book, engaging her daughter with stories of scientific discoveries. Xiaoshu's persistent questions, such as "how did Darwin die?" added a charming yet challenging dimension to the rehearsals.

Lu attributes her joyful pursuit of science to her mentors. One mentor once taught her to approach problems from the perspective of development of academic subject. He often said, "The team leader is like a shepherd; you need to guide the flock to lush pastures." Another mentor deeply influenced her with her passion for work. She often told Lu that she felt lucky to do the work she loves and gets paid for it.

Now a mentor herself, Lu strives to pass on these values to her students, fostering both academic rigor and a love for research. She constantly navigates the balance between providing guidance and encouraging independence. She acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, emphasizing the importance of respecting each student's individuality and strengths. Her goal is to help them maximize their potential, tailored to their unique capabilities.

Lu expressed her hopes for both her daughter and her students. "Whatever paths they choose, I hope they learn to value themselves, cultivate independence, and embrace life and work with passion. My wish is for them to become valuable members of their families and society."

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