14th Beijing Science Festival to be held in September
2024-07-23 | The People's Government of Beijing Municipality

The 2024 Beijing National Science Popularization Day and the 14th Beijing Science Festival are scheduled to take place from September 15 to 25.

Highlighting mass involvement, participation and interactivity, this year's event will provide the public a science popularization feast where they can learn scientific knowledge, and experience and feel the charm of science. The main part of the event will be held at Beijing Science Center, along with four auxiliary venues including the National Natural History Museum of China, the China Railway Museum, the Temple of Heaven Park, and Gulou Community.

The 2024 Beijing International Week for Science Literacy will run concurrently. Focusing on topics like global communication of science and development of science literacy among the public, this event will establish a platform for promoting high-quality science communication resources, actively foster international exchanges and cooperation, and host key events including the Annual Meeting of Beijing Global Network of Science Festivals and the International Science Museum Directors Dialogue.

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