Beijing's first full-life-cycle AI talent ecosphere developed in Mentougou district
2024-07-24 | The People's Government of Beijing Municipality

On July 20, Beijing Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation and Development Talent Forum kicked off at the Renmin University of China as a part of the 2024 ZGC Forum. The work achievements released and the innovation projects launched during the forum mark that Beijing's first ecosphere for the talented minds of the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, which covers the full life cycle of talent-related services, including introduction, cultivation, utilization, and retention, had been developed in Mentougou District.

Three main achievements of talent-related services including "One Report, One Name List, and One Card" were released during the forum. Mentougou District also certified the first batch of the leading talented individuals, extraordinarily talented individuals, and outstanding young talented individuals in the field of algorithms. The "Yongding Cards" for the talented individuals in western Beijing were also unveiled to enhance the talent stickiness further and show care and respect for the talented minds.

Four major innovation programs are launched during this forum, namely the "AI + Audiovisual Technology" Developer Research Camp, the "Intelligent Future" Project for Developing Digital Resources of AI Course, the "Western Beijing Wisdom Valley" Shengteng AI Innovation Competition" and the "Wisdom Valley Plan" Enterprise Development Fund for Talented Minds.

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