2023-07-24 | World Internet of Things Convention

IoT and digital enterprises, government organs, international organizations and IoT associations from all countries and regions:

The World IoT Awards (known as WIOTA) was launched by the IoT international organization WIOTC (a non-governmental organization recognized by the UN ECOSOC) in 2020, with the aim of promoting the global infrastructure construction and digital economic development of internet of things and commending companies, talents engaged in scientific research, social organizations and governmental institutions involved in the infrastructure construction, technological innovation and industrial and economic development of internet of things. The WIOTA is also committed to encouraging the companies, organizations, and individuals concerned to make more contributions to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and benefiting people in terms of smart life and work. Since its inception, WIOTA has got the involvement and support of hundreds of thousands of stakeholders worldwide and attracted the extensive attention of the international community.

The application work for 2023 World IoT Awards will be launched from July 20, 2023 to October 20, 2023 (Beijing Time). The WIOTA of this year contains three categories of awards featuring “enterprise”, “person” and “project”. The award-winning companies, organizations, institutions, and individuals will be awarded trophies or certificates as the World IoT Awards 2023 is released at the World Internet of Things Convention 2023 (WIOTC 2023).

We sincerely welcome relevant companies, organizations and individuals involved in the research and development, and industrial and economic development, technological promotion and application of IoT and digital economy to fill out the registration form for World IoT Awards. We also welcome enterprises, government agencies, international organizations, chambers of commerce, and individuals from all countries and regions to recommend qualified applicants to apply for and win the World IoT Awards 2023.

We hereby announce this notice.

WIOTC Organizing Committee
July 18, 2023

Application of World IoT Awards 2023

Deadline: 24:00, October 20, 2023 (Beijing Time).

WIOTA Application and Registration:

Please fill in this Application Form and send as attachment to “”.

Contact Us: +86-10-83683677

For more information, please refer to: 

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