Beijing celebrates National Science Workers Day with 'Song of Sci-tech Workers' event
2024-05-31 | Beijing Association for Science and Technology

A grand celebration for China's 8th National Science and Technology Workers Day was held in Zhongguancun Exhibition Center in Beijing on May 30. 

Named "Song of Sci-tech Workers", the theme event is hosted by Beijing Association of Science and Technology (BAST). It is one of the series of celebrations lasting from May 1 to June 7, highlighting the achievements of the city's leading science professionals and showcasing their contributions to technological innovation.

"Song of Sci-tech Workers," BAST's themed event for the 8th National Science and Technology Workers Day, is held in Zhongguancun Exhibition Center in Beijing on May 30, 2024. Photo: BAST

Approximately 200 attendees, including government officials, as well as representatives from various scientific organizations, gathered for the 80-minute program. The event celebrated the spirit of scientific innovation through live storytelling, video presentations, and holographic projections.

The event first took attendees through the Zhongguancun's evolution from a small street into a national high-tech industrial development zone through video clips and historical footage, highlighting key milestones and policy developments that have spurred its growth.

Liu Jianguo, a professor of Tsinghua University's School of Environment, delivers a speech during BAST's celebration event for China's 8th National Science and Technology Workers Day on May 30, 2024. Photo: Screenshot of livestreaming

Following this, the event featured a segment where six representatives of Beijing's scientific and technological professionals from shipbuilding, artificial intelligence, accurate measurement, plant research, clothing science and technology and ecological environmental protection shared their stories of innovation, entrepreneurship, and dedication. 

Their presentations, enhanced by multimedia elements, brought to life their relentless pursuit of excellence and the collaborative spirit that drives technological advancements in the city.

A technology worker performs a song with a Peking Opera player at BAST's event for the 8th National Science and Technology Workers Day in Zhongguancun Exhibition Center in Beijing on May 30, 2024. Photo: BAST

Additionally, representatives of young technologists also delivered impressive performances, including a rap music combining with Peking Opera which showcased the extraordinary versatility of sci-tech workers.

This celebration not only honored the contributions of Beijing's science workers but also aimed to inspire a greater societal appreciation for science and its practitioners, further driving the city's development as a global hub of technological advancement.

In recent years, Beijing has accelerated its efforts to become a major global scientific center and innovation hub, with science and technology workers playing a crucial role in this endeavor. In order to showcase the collective image and contemporary demeanor of these science and technology workers, BAST launched a series of activities on the occasion of National Science and Technology Workers Day this year, including salon discussions, science popularization activities, and cultural performances.

In their greetings to the science and technology workers nationwide, Wan Gang, President of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), and He Junke, Secretary of the leading Party members group of the CAST, expressed that through the efforts of generations, China's science and technology undertakings have achieved remarkable achievements that have attracted global attention; Chinese science and technology not only benefit the Chinese people but also bring well-being to the world.

Data shows that among the scientific and technological innovation teams, young scientific and technological talents are the most dynamic and innovative force. According to BAST, with 92 universities, over 1,000 research institutes, and more than 550,000 researchers in the city, Beijing has outstanding advantages in cultivating scientific and technological talents that no other cities can compete with. Nearly half of the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering are in Beijing, and the number of outstanding young talents in Beijing accounts for 39.3% of the talents across the country.

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